Huron School District #2-2

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Schools Huron Middle School

Welcome to Huron Middle School

Positive Attitudes and High Expectations

"A Great Place To Learn"

The Huron Community is very supportive of its schools and have every reason to be proud. Our staff is dedicated to providing a safe and caring environment for all. We are committed to providing the best education possible for every child. With this in mind, we expect every student to be in attendance and prepared for classes. There are rules and procedures that make for a successful school and students must accept consequences for their actions. The administration at H.M.S. will deal with each situation as it comes up and we will be consistent, firm and fair. Middle School can be the best time of your life if you follow the 4 Power Do's.

4 Power Do's

1. Do Stay Excited

You'll never get another today, so live this one with passion! Go out for the team. Join the band. Try out for the play. Run for an office. Whatever you do, do something, and do it now!
Translation: When you get excited about school, school gets exciting!

2. Do Dream Big

Your growth is limited only by the size of your dreams, so don't let anyone steal them from you! When you believe in your dreams and are ready to commit to them, your heart will guide you. There is a priceless one-of-a-kind masterpiece inside of you. Your challenge is to find it. And let it shine through!

3. Do Stand Tall

Face it . . . from time to time, you're going to get your 'No Box' checked. It's part of life, and it happens to everyone; even your heroes! The question is, how will you respond? Think your way out of your problems. Choose to be a winner and stand tall. When you stand tall, you learn and grow, and often emerge better off than you were before you were challenged.

4. Do Be 'Buds'

As tempting as it may be to 'lay it on' someone else, the gossip arrows cause twice the pain when they fly in your direction. Your Mom was right when she said "if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all!" We can heal the world, but we have to start by freeing HMS of the rumors and labels that can destroy feelings and break hearts.

Remember: When you Do the Do's, the Don'ts will Disappear!

Best Wishes,

Laura Willemssen & Lyndi Hudson



2024-25 HMS Student Handbook (English)

2024-2025 HMS Handbook (Karen).pdf

2022-23 HMS Handbook (Sp).docx


HSD Activities Handbook



2024-25 School Year Files

3rd Quarter Honor Roll

Board Approved Academic Calendar


Safe2Say South Dakota